Popsicles are always in high demand at our house. My son would live on them if I would let him! But store bought popsicles are often laden with extra sugar, food dyes, and preservatives. And the 100% natural fruit and organic ones are often very pricey. So we started making ours at home. And it's so quick and easy that your toddler can help too!
Our favorite combinations involve all-natural yogurt and fruit. This way your toddler thinks they're getting a tasty treat and you're satisfied because you know it's healthy! For a six count popsicle mold, I combine 3 6oz. yogurt containers and around 1/4 cup of chopped fruit in a plastic bag. Then just snip a corner end off the bag and pipe into the molds and freeze. My son's favorite pops are made from strawberry yogurt and a mashed banana. And you can always stir in granola for a bit of a crunch.
For more of an ice pop, we use 100% juice as our base in our molds. These are especially great outside on a hot day! You can stir in chopped fruit for an added health benefit here too. And if your kid loves bugs as much as mine does, then you could pop a gummy bug or worm in each one for a yummy surprise!
We are also big fans of pudding pops! While not as healthy as yogurt or fruit and juice, they are very tasty and cost-effective. You just take 1 3.4 oz. package of your favorite flavored pudding mix and 2 cups of cold milk and combine thoroughly in a plastic bag (yields 6 pops). Then just pipe into molds and freeze. For a more decadent treat, you can stir in chocolate chips, candy, or crushed cookies. YUM!